Cantine Mariotti

Rio De Janeiro

Rio De Janeiro

Mariotti’s farm is proud to announce its partecipation at the contemporary art exhibition “Rio De Janeiro” by the italo-brazilian artist Flaminia Mantegazza at the embassy of Brazil in London.

Our products have been selected as the official sponsor of the show offering an unique wine tasting experience during the opening day friday 23 september 2016.

“Azienda Agricola Mariotti” leader in farming industry since 1930 invest in the future of our land by promoting local products, art and culture.


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Curated by Damiana Enea



Small “bricks” of recycled paper emerge from the flat surface of the canvas and bring to life a contrasting performance of colours and shapes that lay the foundations for harmonious portraits and abstract compositions. Flaminia Mantegazza began working as an artist at the end of the 1990s in Rome where she attended the School of Decorative Art. Her most important teachers include João Magalhães of the Parque Lage School of Visual Arts in Rio de Janeiro and Alberto Parres Porta Blu School in Roma. Dividing her time between the main cities of Europe she has continued her researches, turning her attention to the study of urban and metropolitan spaces, investigating their social and anthropological aspects. During her creative career, Flaminia Mantegazza has found the so-called art of recycling the ideal vehicle for expressing the originality of the way in which she interprets the contemporary world. She lives and works in Rome. During the past ten years she has exhibited her work in many cities such as Rome, Milan, Turin, Capri, Lecce, Paris, Athens, Istanbul and Lucca.

‘It is with great pleasure that the Embassy of Brazil in London hosts the exhibition ‘Rio de Janeiro’, by Flaminia Mantegazza. The show could not come at a better time – the city which inspired her has just enchanted the world with its charm and sophistication during the first South-American Olympics.’
(Ana Maria Bierrenbach, Minister-Counsellor at the Embassy of Brazil in London)

“The moment of inspiration: there was a magnificent sunset with a light breeze on Guanabara Bay. The boating trip inspired Flaminia. I remember that she spoke about the light, the reflections on the water, the colours in the sky and in the mountains, the centuries-old fortresses that protected the city, about the beaches and the buildings. These things are the essence of our Cariocan soul. They never fail to enchant us, and give us the joy and energy with which to get through the daily grind, and to redouble our faith in the future. In that instant, there in the middle of the bay, Flaminia took out a pencil and a sketchbook from her bag and started to draw. The idea behind this beautiful exhibition had just been born and the artworks had begun to take shape.”
(Altamir Tojal, Journalist)

‘We all have a city that is dear to our hearts, and mine is Rio de Janeiro. I wanted to see it from the perspective of Guanabara Bay. Seeing the city from the sea, all of its sounds, its daily hustle-and-bustle, and the cares of every individual living there, are all dissolved away by the sweet rocking of the sea. Desires and dreams can sail upon that sea, which has no limits.’
(Flaminia Mantegazza, Visual Artist)

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