Cantine Mariotti

The Sea in the Countryside

The Sea in the Countryside

Every saturday in june (June 16 to June 30), in the quiet atmosphere of the countryside, a complete wine tasting to be paired with traditional seafood.

Menù: Mixed seafood entree, Seafood crepes, traditional brodetto (seafood soup), grilled fish with salad, lemon sorbet and Mariotti’s farm Prosecco.

Everything will be served with the following labels:

    –  Riflessi Bianchello del Metauro D.O.C.
    –  Asdrubale Bianchello del Metauro D.O.C.
    –  Poggioterso Marche Bianco I.G.T.
    –  Piandeifiori Bianchello del Metauro D.O.C.

Advance reservations are appreciated not later than the preceding friday. 

Info and reservations at: 339-7536641 e-mail 

€ 45.00 per person

Un mare diVino